Saturday, July 16, 2005

Ordered the Zaurus

Well I have to admit I did minimal research on this unit. My bro crow did all the leg work finding this thing and seeing the benefits of a pure Linux system running on a PDA!!

He found the Z for $164.95 on with free shipping. He also found a highly compatible Linksys WCF12 card on for $33.15. Basically, I ordered what he did. :>

I need to get CF and SD memory cards yet but will be working mostly on web and Java development so I won't be getting GPS cards or anything like that which he will no doubt be doing next! hehe :>

Anyway, He got Sharp ROM 3.1 going and walked me through the upgrade procedures which went off without a hitch. I will put procedures in the Step-by-Step category soon. The only thing I've put on remotely resembling being of any worth is mySQL. Which runs awesome on the Z! I will be installing Apache, PHP and a Java dev env also.

So all in all I am extremely impressed with this device and hope to learn a lot from it and do as much as I can on it to replace pulling out the laptop.

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