Thursday, July 28, 2005

GameBoy Advanced Emulator

Samantha wanted some games so I looked into a Gameboy Advance emulator. Got the unit so keepin it legal with the ROMs and all... Hope Brandon wants some for the GBA SP so I can get those too soon. :>

Downloaded and installed gnuboy_1.0.3-qtopia2-1_arm.ipk from

Also downloaded and installed libSDL from which is required for gnuboy_1.0.3-qtopia2-1_arm.ipk.

While searching for ROMs I cam across an updated emulator qtopiagnuboy_1.0.3-qtopia3-1_arm.ipk at that boasted better speed so I installed it and it seems to work fine. I don't know if libSDL is required for v3-1 or not. I just left it on.

The emulator installs to the Game tab and looks to be working fine with some test ROMs. Just click the emulator icon, enter the path to your ROMs and click Apply. Select a ROM and click Launch and you're in business!

There is slim to no documentation that I can find. Looks like it's trial and error for figuring out the controls for games. Turns out it works it's just super slow in loading.

ROM list at

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